
Jerry Yang Quotes

Here are some famous quotations from another Billionaire Jerry Yang ..Jerry Yang is the CEO/Director/Founder of Yahoo!, Incorporated (YHOO)

The internet's a driving force in the change from mass media to "my media", in which consumers will be their own programmers.

First and foremost, the internet is unique since it is THE only interactive medium -- and that's important because from a content, service, and communications perspective, we web folks try to take advantage of that interactivity.

It is a pretty recognizable brand name. Originally it was "Jerry's Guide to the World Wide Web" but we settled on "Yahoo".

It helps a ton when you learn people's names and don't butcher them when trying to pronounce them.

In June 1994, while it is still our hobby, we renamed it "yahoo" to stand for "yet another hierarchical officious oracle".

We are very much believers that the web is an open environment, and we need to make sure that people can find all kinds of different stuff through Yahoo!, and not necessarily keeping people within Yahoo!

We're just going to concentrate on what we've always done, which is to create the best possible online directory, adding content and other features along the way when it makes sense.

On the outside, Yahoo is a fun and irreverent place, but on the inside we are extremely competitive.

I think that it's always possible to have a great company if you have great ideas. I will say that since the web has become more commercialized, it also takes some good financial resources to build a great business, but as I always say, you have to have the idea first.

We are driving innovation to be leaders in areas such as advertising, music, broadband, and search. Consumers vote with their mouse every day and we never take their choices for granted.

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